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Do You Trade Time for Dollars?

It's Okay to Trade Time for Dollars - Do Not Make It A Lifetime Goal.

The life of abundance hardly ever come down the highway of trading time for dollars (working a job). You only receive money if you work. What happens when you cannot work? The flow of money STOP. You must work smart, start using your mind and think your way into abundance; otherwise, it may be a dream or fantasy with no backbone.I am in the last quarter of my life and I can tell you from experience, you will never become wealthy trading time for dollars. The last twenty-four years of my life was consumed learning and trusting God. God Pours Into Us - So We Can- Pour Into Others. Now I am pouring into whosoever can believe the truest book in the land - the Bible.

Think Smart

Become an entrepreneur or an investor making yourself productive using your talents to enrich your life. Larry Jones Training, we teach you how to think like an entrepreneur - a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiates and risk with what interest you. If it is something you want to do, motivation will come from within your inner person. That is the best motivation a person can possess. We help you with your business and marketing plans. If you do not have one, you are not serious about your business. It takes time, but at least you should know, you will need this for your business if you want it to succeed. We also teach you how to live the life of a TRAILBLAZER and become a pioneer in your field. Trailblazers do not run in packs; they walk alone blazing paths for others to follows. I am a TRAILBLAZER for the Kingdom of God.

If your mind not geared for wealth, it is impossible for opulence to enter your space.

If you are not a thinker, wealth is not going to enter your space. Wealthy thoughts will change the caliber of people you associate with in your daily activities.

Call me NOW so I can hook you up to my connections to make whatever amount of money you can believe as you learn a skill set trading in currency, FOREX, for life to pass down to your children, children’s using your brains to think and retiring your hands from manual labor. FOREX is a 5.3 trillion-dollar industry that never sleep. Call this number and leave VM, 855-463-9297, Opt 4, or and say, I want to connect with the FINANCIAL REVOLUTION that you are connected so my life can change.

Just by knowing my website and knowing about me; you have an excellent opportunity to advance your life to whatever degree you decide to establish. Wait until the coaching is set up online and you go through that training. The world is yours because you should have the power and belief you can give life to whatever your imagination can dream up that you can believe from Genesis 11:6. "And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." From the mouth of the Bible, not man, but God, you can do it! You may start a task like a project on my level. Yours could be a Health Fitness Franchise or a credible company that help people get their witty inventions to the world.

If you do not like the people in your proximity, change your thinking to thriving conditions and the deficiency thinkers will scatter. A person seeking success will find other successful people. Poverty thinkers will habituate with other poverty thinkers, people without goals will hang out with other people without goals, etc. You attract only who you are like. Any person that is attracted to me and the work I am doing; you are a special breed. One that operates not with the pack; but walks and live as a TRAILBLAZER.

My Project

We do not need an army for God to work, just a few with views compatible with God. It cannot and will not be a huge gathering of people doing this task. It will be a distinct group of select individuals well qualified in finance, managed hundreds of millions of dollars’ portfolios, and can think in the million and billion-dollar mindset.

Larry Jones Training, Coaching and Empowerment Center is the greatest Creative Training Center in the world. I am letting the world know this in advance. I care not what anyone thinks about my speech because I know a power that exists the bulk of humanity are clueless. Knowledge of what I have from decades of learning has equipped me to give life to anything I think. It is true, "YOU THINK - IT APPEARS."

We come to give you the POWER to become the person you always wanted to be since your youth.

Our Creed:

Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowering Center has purposely turned away from the formal intellectual education of man, proving to the world that the wisdom of God outshines an eight-year degree of any student from Harvard University, Cambridge University, or any other elite school in the world.


I make no claims of promises to any person. Neither I, Larry Jones Training, Coaching, Empowerment Center (LJTC&EC) nor anyone working for (LJTC&EC) will be the reason they get what they want. It will be because of God. Moreover, I do not know the inner thoughts held captive within a person mind; only God knows the true thoughts, speech, beliefs, faith, and actions of an individual. Therefore, if what a person seeks is not attained, the fault lies in the thought patterns of that person, not LJTC&EC, the owners, or God, and we will not be held accountable (James 4:3). Please come with an open mind to learn the concepts of the Bible and allow God time to give life to your dream!

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